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Consults & Services

Call 240-925-1944 or email 

Oxalic Acid Vaporization Consultation

Oxalic Acid Vaporization Treatment 

Swarm removal and rehoming Services

Swarm Removal Service

Education Services

Observation Hive & Team Building Events

For those who would like an Oxalic Acid Vaporization (OAV) treatment but don't want to purchase all of the necessary equipment (it can be expensive), I offer OAV treatments one week apart for three weeks in a row for $50 per hive plus mileage.


An extra week if necessary for an additional $17 per hive.


Call or email to discuss your number of hives, how many doses you'll need, and your location.

If a swarm happens, bees will naturally find a new home as half the hive leaves to create a new colony. 


We offer swarm removal services to the local area (tri-county Southern Maryland only). Just call and we’ll come help or we will reach out to other local beekeepers who specialize in Cut-Outs and complicated removals 

-they have the tools necessary to remove and re-home the swarm for you. 

Please call for immediate assistance with a swarm

Learn to raise honey bees through our educational services at Deez L’town Beez in Leonardtown, Maryland.

We can also make an educational appearance at your school, scout troop, club, or office function with a live portable observation beehive to help educate or promote beekeeping or just to teach folks about bees and how honey is made (hourly rate - 2 hr minimum). 


We can customize events to fit your needs.

Queen Bees and NUC colonies for sale

Maryland Overwintered Nucs

Southern Maryland Overwintered Nucleus Colonies

We have stock that are Carniolan/Italian/VSH/ and from feral swarm captures and cut-outs.

They are Southern MD Mutts- Survivor stock from each of the last 6 years and queens created from those survivors.


5 Frames packed with bees, brood, and a proven queen plus food resources.

Pre-ordering is now available.  Spring Nucs will be ready by the end of April occasionally mid-April as the weather and the bees dictate. Minimum of 1/2 per colony required to reserve your nucs (this is a non-refundable deposit). Delivery is available upon request. 

Varroa Management and Consultation SVCs

I Make Hive Calls

Mobile observation hive for education services

Member ASMB
President 2023

I'll come to your hive and talk you through splitting, adding or marking your queen, treating for varroa, as well as many other beekeeping and inspecting needs. Or perhaps you are a seasoned beekeeper who's ready to take your skills to the next level.  I can design a custom class, specific to your needs.

I am a member of the Association of So. MD beekeepers and have enjoyed 7 years of learning, educating and mentoring through the club. I have made great friends and contacts and awesome benefits and can highly recommend. Find them at 


2023 SPRING NUCS are Available again!!
With 2023 Queens


PRE-Orders AND WAIT LIST orders are completely filled.

We only pre-sell 2/3 of our supply in case some crazy calamity occurs (mother nature is a bit fickle in Southern Maryland.)  We want to ensure healthy vibrant nucs for each of our customers. We have more available NOW.


Please call or email Diane directly to order.

  • We Are Licensed in the State of Maryland

  • Member of the Association of Southern Maryland Beekeepers

  • Member Maryland State Beekeepers Association

  • Apprentice Level Beekeeper Certificate  from the University of Montana 2018

  • Journeyman Beekeeping Certificate from the University of Montana 2019

  • Master Beekeeper UMT Graduate 2021

©2023 by Deez L'town Beez. Proudly created with

All Images are property of creator not to be copied without permission.

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